Samsung Galaxy J1 Reviews

Bought only because it was cheap and hubby goes through them quickly in the work he is in, it was disconnecting, wasn't letting many calls through disconnecting when on bluetooth. They sent it away - found it was faulty - gave me a new one... 3 days later same - ended up binning it!

I switched to the power saving facility and powered up to 100% and was told the battery would last 4 days. It was lucky to last 1 day and I wasn't even using it ! It was just sitting there in sleep mode. I bought it because it was cheap and I only need a phone for calls and texts, nothing else. I'd never buy another Samsung.

To me, this is a reasonable fairly basic smartphone. There are better smartphones, but you probably would have to pay more. The only real problem I see with this phone is that the ring volume is not as loud as many other phones. The talk volume seems ok. The screen is not full high definition, but it mostly looks ok. The phone looks quite modern. The model I bought is the unlocked version.
I'm not a big user and bought J1 ( $139 at Good Guys ) to replace my old Nokia on the soon to be defunct G2 service, I live in very poor reception area and the battery will go flat overnight looking for service so I turn it off until I go out , but when away from house it does all I need to do and has full service on G4 so I am confident on the road.

I bought this hand for my second phone. Very affordable and suitable for light usage. The design quite modern and practical compared to other brands. The colours option also not too bad. Overall, I'm happy to have this phone. Recently I also bought this phone for my sister for her birthday.

Phone cannot cope with too much. Reboots for absolutely no reason. Often the answer phone button won't swipe and just freezes meaning lost calls. The volume button even when set to high often stops meaning more missed calls. Call drops out part way through meaning more lost calls. It cannot perform more than one task. Sometimes the phone freezes as though the battery has stopped only to recharge and it still has battery life. The problem with the missed calls mens I have left my young kids stranded when they have been trying to get hold of me. I have missed very important calls and I only wish I could afford to replace it! - On the back of these problems, I would never buy a Samsung again

All I wanted was a phone to txt, make calls, generate a WiFi hotspot when away from home; no webbing on the phone
for me the screens are just way too small.
After only 4 months, the battery is a pita & v.unreliable at any strength; give us a battery that works Samsung!
The phone fails on several aspects, first being the call & txt ringer, which although I have both set at highest volumes,
a muffled sweak is all I get/hear, often the ringer is silent, so I miss plenty of calls; that's a black mark Samsung.
Next is the nagging habit of shu tting down or rebooting in the middle of calls (and some other operations)
or whenever it feels like it...randomly & several times a week; that one makes it highly unreliable for me Samsung.
The only positive is when plugged in via charge cable, wall or car, everything works, hot spot, Bluetooth, the works.
In the end it appears to have a very poor battery and erratic battery management. Many times the phone whinges with
'critically low battery' showing 1%, plugging it in reports that it has 90%, I mean what the...
Not good enough for me to stop whingeing. I'll be spending a few extra dollars on a low-end Sony Xperia

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